Petit homme

Lilypie 2ème anniversaire Ticker

Grande soeur

Lilypie 4ème anniversaire Ticker

14 août 2007

G... en retard...

En parcourant le blog de Ashley, la lumière pour G. Grande-Bretagne! J'ai vécu à Londres 3 mois, grosso-modo. Un stage en conservation-restauration des objets archéologiques au British Museum en 1999. Ben oui, c'était génial! Beaucoup de choses ont changé dans ma vie depuis, mais mon affection pour cette région du monde n'a pas flanché. En fait, mon premier voyage là-bas remonte déjà a 12 ans, et je me rappelle que c'était l'Écosse et l'Irlande qui m'attiraient, pas la Grande-Bretagne. Et puis j'ai vu. Et j'ai craqué. Et j'y suis revenu. Et j'espère bien y retourner. Je crois que je trouve ici encore ce mélange parfait de modernité et de tradition qui semble avoir la cote avec moi... La vie trépidante des grandes villes, et la proximité de la campagne anglaise... ou irlandaise... ou écossaise... Oh la la. Sérieux coup de nostalgie...
Ashley, I'm curious. Why do you qualify Turner as eccentric? Funny I don't remember much of his life story, but I love his work! Have you seen the Turner collection at the Tate? It's fabulous. I spent days there...
Oxford aussi est superbe, c'est vrai.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

I love Turner's work as well! I was able to see the entire Turner wing at Tate Britain when I was in England. It was a wonderful experience.

I didn't really think of Turner as an eccentric either until I watched Simon Schama's Power of Art series on public television. Schama did an entire segment about Turner and his life. Turner was quite popular during his younger years, but as he got older he became less popular with the art crowd. He had a mistress and two children that no one knew about. His mother was committed to an asylum. He spent his older years painting in Venice. When he was older he became anti-social, and when his father died he suffered from intense depression (they were very close). He also had weird painting habits, like he would keep one fingernail long to scratch paint into his canvases. Although these don't equal to someone like Van Gogh's eccentricities, they are very interesting to note.
These are just some interesting things I learned from Schama's tv series and his book. I hadn't really read much about Turner's life before. I love his landscapes though, they are truly beautiful.

Well, thanks for mentioning me in your post! Very flattering! And, of course, I love reading your blog. It's interesting and it helps me with my French.

au revoir!